Spotlight on Events (Halloween)

Princesses, Firemen, Lions and Tigers Were There

At Robin Hills Farm 3rd Annual Halloween Trails & Treats
The weather was spectacular, the venue perfect and the costumes absolutely delightful. Over 250 kids plus parents and grandparents came to this year's Robin Hills Farm annual Halloween Trails & Treats event. Lots of pumpkin buckets and Halloween bags came along as the kids entered the event up on the patio decorated with colorful and “not too scary” decorations!

Three hayride wagons circulated out to the trails and back. Excited passengers hopped on and then were dropped off at the sweet treats trail head where volunteers were in the ready to distribute candy at stops along the way. It was an enchanted forest as the sun shone through the trees and little colorful costumed characters traveled on foot from station to station. Even one boy was seen riding a bear!

Then as everyone emerged from the trail, they were greeted with a playground of fun activities like pumpkin tic-tac-toe, a bounce house, and a pumpkin sling shot.  Everyone lingered just having fun before they headed back to the patio to do some coloring or get something to drink.

Said Brynna Klink, Public Events Coordinator at Robin Hills Farm, “We are so glad to be able to host this event each year for the community. It’s so much fun to see everyone come together and just enjoy being here. There’s nothing like seeing all the kids dressed up, running up to one another when they recognize their friends and then going from activity to activity. We hope everyone puts it on their calendar for next year!”

Hmm, good idea. How about pulling out your phones now and swipe to next year! It’ll be sweet.


Spotlight on Events (Song Fest)


Focus on Farmers