Spotlight on Events

The community connects at Robin Hills Farm for lots of end-of-summer fun.

Families gathered at Robin Hills Farm for some delightful end-of-summer fun on Saturday. The patio was packed with a bounce house, balloon artist, snow cone station, and loads of kids and their parents. After a balloon sword fight or two, families could relax under the tent. Then go tour emergency and municipal vehicles to see a Chelsea fire truck with fire hose demonstration (don’t worry, no one got too wet!) and sirens announcing you were there. Or go down to the pond to get a closer look and find some fun bugs. On the way back up to the patio, you could stop at a food truck for a taste of some delicious local food.

Meet Some of The Guests

Three moms from Manchester were pleased to be here with their balloon sword-fighting kids. For one of the moms, it was her first time at Robin Hills Farm—she said how much she loved the atmosphere and the beauty of the facility, and that it was in the great outdoors. The other moms have come often and said they love the venue and what you can do here. When asked to describe Robin Hills Farm in a word, they said, “Awesome.”  Thanks, moms!

Another family, this one from Ann Arbor, said, “We’re outdoors people so we love the trails and all the Farm has to offer outside. The kids are having a great time today.”

Grandma and Grandpa Mita from Chelsea say that they have come often and are glad to see how much fun their grandchildren are having. Mr. Mita even bumped into a couple who met in a science class he was teaching and are now married! Small and wonderful world.

The Punches live in Chelsea. They come regularly with their kids, and as a couple for a night out. They said, “We love the outdoors, so you’re right in it here and the patio is great.”

Giving back

Another aspect of the community connection was that Robin Hills Farm was helping out the Chelsea School District by collecting school supplies. Families brought boxes of crayons and markers, pencils, glue sticks, highlighters, post-it notes and folders to fill up large moving bags as you entered the main tent. Families were happy to know that they were helping kids with the supplies they need to advance their learning this Fall.

The fun doesn’t stop

This event was not the only activity happening this weekend at Robin Hills Farm. Guests from the community celebrated two weddings on site, a concert with appetizers and drinks from the bar, a biking event, and an elegant farm-to-table dinner.

This is just a taste of what Robin Hills Farm can offer you on a weekend!

So, get your calendars out and schedule your next event at the Farm. Join us for live streaming of Chelsea Bulldog away games (8/26 + 9/9 + 9/23 + 10/14) and the Halloween Hayride (10/29 & 10/30).


Farm Connection


Weekly Nature Trail Hike